Monday, May 25, 2009


Today we attempted to understand wiki's and I think they will be an ace tool for working on documents that swirl around as emailed replies with a gazillion "see below in red, blue, green" edits, or the old hyperlinked doc with lashings of tracked changes blocking the readers view.
Had a squiz at a couple of wiki threads and yep, we're going to whip up a ChYPPie-wiki to navigate our jam-packed social lives.
The video on how make a wiki was great, and appears to have been devised by an ad company and would probably get flogged on the gruen transfer for product placement, but hey - it got the message across. Onwards..

Monday, May 18, 2009


In our first exciting Licence to Test Drive, our fearless guide Nathan assisted us in navigating the process. By the end of the session we had figured out how to:

  • create an email address in Google,
  • designed and managed our own blog page,
  • played with profiles,
  • had a laugh at making up tragic song title page names and
  • generally avoided using the term 'team bonding' (after last weeks headlines)
Later I ventured out into blogland alone and successfully uploaded a photograph onto my blogspot header, blogged an initial blog and re-arranged the page to suit my ‘personality’, but wiped it all out due to writing about the totally wrong thing. Should have read the instructions first! Will do this next…

Today, we decided we're in the process of upgrading from Gen X, Gen Y and BB to Gen C – the content-driven generation.